Saturday, July 17, 2010

My rebellious nature

I'm not good about doing what I'm told; even when I'm the one telling me. All I have to do is write a list and I am out of here, busily doing everything but what I've just written down. I sabotage myself; there's no two ways around it. I hate being told what to do, even when it's something I want to do.

I've reached this conclusion after something totally inexplicable happened. Along with a group of friends, I agreed to commit to doing something jewelry related every day this month. We agreed to share our progress, and let each other know how we were doing. You guessed it: I became a member of the jewelry fantasy league.

I did get a few things done, but not much. I found myself setting goals, and avoiding them. The beads did not call to me; instead, they hollered, "Get outta here! We want to be left alone."

And so I did. I've been out in the garden, I've been harvesting, cooking, and freezing veggies and appetizers. I have not been beading. And so, I decided to give up my commitment. And guess what happened?

Yup. I'm interested in beading again.


Karyn said...

It's always the way isn't it. I find I become highly motivated to bead when I don't have the time to spare and then days like today, a gorgeous Sunday afternoon when I have hours to bead I find myself sitting at the computer or procrastinating!

Can't wait to see what you are working on.


Unknown said...

You Rebel You! Its the same with me if you give me a deadline I'll almost always lack the motivation to get it done.

Glad your beading again!

Maryanne said...

I think creative types are like that. I have the same problem. When I don't need to work on something, I'm all ready to go, but if I have to finish something, I'm not interested!
Your garden is great. We have a very small one, but it's so much fun to eat from the garden!