Monday, December 3, 2007

Bringing in the wood

There is something very elemental about heating with wood; it is a very labor intensive process, and it really makes me appreciate the warmth it puts out. We farm out the growing, harvesting, cutting and splitting part; our wood arrives in a large truck mid-September. The bed of the truck lifts high into the air and dumps it with a great clatter into a tall pile; we haul it to the wood shed and stack it neatly from there.

We actually have several wood sheds; two on the side of the garage, one out the back door, and a very attractive wood holder just out the kitchen door. The one out the kitchen door is on the porch; it's covered, and it's my bad-weather emergency stash. I hardly ever use it, preferring to wait until really bad weather hits; usually I take the wheelbarrow out to one of the outlying sheds, load it up, and put it on the porch for easy access.

A good wheelbarrow load will fill my inside wood box twice; we go through nearly that much in a day. So I haul in a load of wood pretty much every day. I don't mind; it keeps me in shape. And I'd much rather be getting a workout by keeping my family warm than by going to a gym.

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